US to withdraw from Paris Climate Deal, unless offered Favourable Terms

The White House denied on Saturday the information of the American media that the US will not withdraw from the Paris deal on climate. The position of Washington was stated by Deputy Presidential Press Secretary Lindsey Waters.

On Saturday, The Wall Street Journal reported that the US administration will not withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, but will try to adjust the conditions for its participation in it. Trump believes that the treaty redistributes US wealth to other countries, and compliance with its provisions could result in the US losing 2.7 million jobs by 2025.

The Paris Agreement was adopted on 12 December 2015 following the outcome of the 21st Conference of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris. 195 forum participants agreed not to allow an increase in the average temperature on the planet by 2100 by more than 2 degrees Celsius in comparison with the pre-industrial era. Scientists believe that a more significant temperature increase can lead to irreversible consequences for the environment. The Paris agreement should replace the Kyoto Protocol, which will expire in 2020.

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